Memories and Ghosts. That’s all that lie beneath the earth. Well, not just that. The lower vaults of the Bank of Rattou seem to be a bit crowded at the present, so let’s see what our adventurers do when confronted with things not of this world and way above their pay grade.
Nezor gets a question. Rhylind takes an axe to problems. Abella and Charlie ad-lib in a period drama. Skairn and Hrosh watch on in amusement.

Everyone runs, or everyone dies.
There Be Dragons is a D&D 5th ed. game in a sword and gunpowder era. To learn more about the world, check out the website:
Additional sound & music by Syrinscape: Because Epic Games Need Epic Sound! Complete list of credits here.
Pitch Black by Nicolas Jeudy, distributed by DARK FANTASY STUDIO, licenced for use by There Be Dragons.
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